Gear and techniques for a successful hunt

Gearing up
Spring and Fall Bear Hunts
- Guns ….. Use at least a 7 MM or larger for bears
- Scope … Not necessary
- Range – 5-30 yds.
- Bring the heaviest grain cartridge available, limit two boxes.
- A good durable gun case is a necessity, also a padded cloth one for boat travel.
- Compound Bows around 60 lb. pull (Manitoba law is 40 lb. for big game). Broadheads, carbon shaft, expandables….. everyone has favorites.
Fall Caribou Hunts require
- Guns – a .270 caliber to a .300 for caribou and wolf. Must be able to shoot long-range
- Scope – Minimum of 3x – 9x
- Cartridge – 140 to 175 grain, limit two boxes.
- A good durable gun case is a necessity, also a padded cloth one for boat travel.
- Compound Bows around 60 lb. pull (Manitoba law is 40 lb. for big game). Broadheads, carbon shaft, expandables….. everyone has favorites.
- Good range finder
Moose Hunts Require
- Guns – a 7mm caliber to a .375 for moose and wolf. Must be able to shoot long-range.
- Scope – Minimum of 3x – 9x • Cartridge – 170 to 220 grain, limit two boxes.
- A good durable gun case is a necessity, also a padded cloth one for boat travel.
- Compound Bows around 70 lb. pull (Manitoba law is 40 lb. for big game). Broadheads, carbon shaft, expandables….. everyone has favorites.
- Good range finder
Please note crossbows are legal in Manitoba during general seasons.
Black bear
Mostly stand hunting over bait in the spring, average shot 5-30 yards. Baiting and spot-and-stalk for Fall. We hunt at all times of the day as bears move at all times of the day and there is no darkness in the spring season. Travel by boat, most stands within 50 yds. of shore. Fall bears will be moving and feasting on berries.
We move around by boat, glassing the shorelines. We will also hunt strategic areas of land, constantly glassing, then spot and stalk. Walking areas are excellent with mostly firm, dry ground. Hunting times 8 am – 6 pm. Average shot 50 – 300 yds.
Mostly mornings and evenings, moving by boat and calling several areas in a day. We will work the same areas throughout the week. Techniques may slightly vary by guide and lake size. Minimal walking if possible. Average shot 100 – 250 yds.